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Experts Weigh In: The Sustainability of Bitcoin Mining for Gambling

In the thrilling world of digital disruption, Bitcoin stands out as a significant specimen. A decentralized cryptocurrency created in 2009, it offers online bettors seamless transactions, an incredibly secure system, and the promise of elevated profit. However, beneath its lustrous digital skin lies the extensive and complicated process of insightful mathematics called Bitcoin Mining.

The meticulous and energy-intensive approach used to validate transactions, add new bitcoins into circulation, and provide security for the Bitcoin network has caused many to raise questions about the sustainability of Bitcoin mining. A particularly intensified inquiry is the impact Bitcoin mining has on the internet gambling industry, with authors, scholars, and tech gurus chiming in on the discourse.

A close examination divulges themes that revolve around the cryptocurrency’s energy consumption, its carbon footprint, and the future of Bitcoin gambling amid the environmental concerns. Consequently, a number of sustainability experts, industry insiders, and advocates have weighed in on the sizeable topic of Bitcoin mining’s sustainability, its role in the gambling industry, and the user’s perspective.

John ‘BitKong’ Lee, a cryptocurrency consultant and lecturer at the University of Blockchain, asserts, “Bitcoin mining is the backbone of the Bitcoin network. Miners provide security and verify Bitcoin transactions. In return for this service, they earn bitcoins.” However, he acknowledges the significant challenge of the vast amount of energy consumed in the process. “Bitcoin uses about 0.55% of the world’s total electricity consumption, more than most countries,” he revealed. It’s a sobering statistic that leads us to question how mindful Bitcoin miners must be about the future health of our planet.

Equally apprehensive is Mary Green, head of sustainability at Save-Net. “In our research, we found that, on average, every Bitcoin transfer is responsible for 626 kilograms of carbon dioxide,” she disclosed. The figures are alarming when we consider the number of Bitcoin transactions annually in the gambling industry alone.

On the flip side of the coin, we have tech-enthusiast and CEO of BitGamblers, Dave Goldberg, who maintains that the whole debate is a game of perspective. He emphasized, “We must compare Bitcoin’s energy consumption with the total energy required to run traditional banking systems, payment networks like Visa, or data centres.”

Goldberg suggests that when assessed relative to these systems, the energy consumption of Bitcoin isn’t quite as significant. Additionally, a 2021 analysis by Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance indicated that about 40% of Bitcoin mining is powered by renewable energy, clearly indicating a positive shift in the conversation on sustainability. However, as Mary astutely argues, “Even if 40% of Bitcoin’s energy consumption comes from renewable sources, we can’t ignore the remaining 60% that is used elsewhere, often in places where coal remains the dominant power source.”

As the dialogue on sustainability continues, the focus for many online casinos is likely to lean towards more sustainable practices. Eco-conscious bettors are more likely to gravitate towards online betting platforms that champion sustainability, a shift that could gradually influence the entire industry.

In the volatile landscape of Bitcoin and online gambling, it is clear that the sustainability of Bitcoin mining poses considerable challenges. However, as Mary Green pointed out, “Sustainability doesn’t mean stopping, it means finding better alternatives.” And as Dave Goldberg reminded us, “Adapting and evolving is the name of the game in the digital world.”

As we ferment in a boiling pot of environmental concerns, the intertwining of Bitcoin mining and online gambling clearly presents a dynamic arena for discussion, introspection, and innovation. One thing is certain: the roar of the conversation around Bitcoin mining’s sustainability and its impact on the online gambling world will continue to resonate.


1. Centre for Alternative Finance, University of Cambridge. (2021). 3rd Global Cryptoasset Benchmarking Study.

2. Lee, J. (2022). Lecture on Cryptocurrency. University of Blockchain.

3. Green M., (2022). ‘The Carbon Footprint of Bitcoin: An Exploratory Study’. Save-Net Reports.

4. Goldberg, D. (2022). Letter from the CEO. BitGamblers Magazine.

5. Digiconomist. (2022). Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index.

Written by
Grace Eliza Goodwin
Eliza Grace leverages her extensive background in cybersecurity to dissect the intricacies of security measures in the Bitcoin sector, often spotlighting the evolving challenges in protecting digital assets.

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